Code of Conduct

Pack 3402 Code of Conduct Policy

The purpose of the Pack 3402 Code of Conduct is to outline the expectations of boys, parents and leaders with respect to one-another and also to layout the disciplinary steps that will be followed in the event that a violation of the code of conduct occurs. Cub Pack 3402 feels that The Cub Scout program is a privilege, not a right, for those boys and parents willing to accept the high standards of Scouting. Cub Scout Pack 3402’s Code of Conduct is necessary to ensure that Scouting’s high ideals are met by all of our participants. The Pack Committee Members have met and developed the Cub Scout Pack 3402 Code of Conduct by which all Pack and Den meetings and outings will be governed.

In keeping with the fundamental principles of Scouting, all conduct should reflect the guidelines in the Cub Scout Promise, Oath, and Motto, as well as, the Scout Law. Each Scout, Leader and parent or guardian are expected to abide by the Code of Conduct.

1. Cub Scout Conduct: All Scouts Are Expected To:

1.1. Respect one-another by keeping their hands and feet to themselves. In accordance with BSA Youth Protection, Fighting or hazing of any kind will not be tolerated!

1.2. Refrain from running, rough housing or participating in inappropriate behavior prior to, during or after ALL meetings, outings or other scout functions.

1.3. Demonstrate respect for all adults and adult leaders.

1.4. Pay attention, and in response to the “wolf ears” signal, to become silent and return the sign.

1.5. Follow the rules of LEAVE NO TRACE by showing respect for their surroundings, indoors and out, leaving them as good or in better condition than they were found.

1.6. Take care of Pack property and property belonging to others.

1.7. Refrain from engaging in unsafe acts. Including, but not limited to, improper use of knives, ropes, sticks, rocks or other items that could cause damage or injury to anyone or anything!

1.8. Refrain from using inappropriate language that a Scout would not use in front of his parent/guardian or that is not tolerated in a school environment. NAME CALLING WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!! It is a means of bullying and thus deemed UNACCEPTABLE!

1.9. Notify two adult leaders if there is an issue and/or incident involving another Scout or adult immediately.

1.10. Utilize the “buddy system” on ALL pack and den “outings”.

1.11. Follow the “Two Deep Leadership” rule of the BSA Youth Protection Policy---an individual Scout or group of Scouts will not be alone with and single adult leader, but will seek to be in the presence of no less than two adult leaders.

1.12. Utilize pocket knives in a safe and appropriate manner (having completed their Whittling’ Chip requirements). Hunting knives, switchblades, gravity knives, sheath knives, or butterfly knives are NOT permitted.

1.13. Leave at home all electronic devices. These include but are not limited to: radios, cell phones, and electronic music or game devices. (Exceptions will be made when the specific theme of the event involves electronic devices.)

1.14. Maintain a positive attitude!! Remember, “CHEERFUL” is the eighth Scout Law!!

2. Adult Leadership Conduct

2.1. All registered leaders will set a proper example at all times as set forth through the mandatory leadership training that all Scout leaders are required to complete.

2.2. They will conduct their business with fairness and impartiality. The committee has the authority to request that the leader in question step down from whatever position they hold in the event of a violation of conduct.

2.3. The following will not be tolerated from adult leaders or parents/guardians:

2.3.1. Vulgar Language spoken or printed on clothing worn at any Pack 3402 Cub Scout meeting or function.

2.3.2. Loud or disruptive behavior by anyone attending scouting functions will not be allowed. Those not complying will be asked to leave.

3. Alcoholic Beverages/Drug or Substance Abuse –it is the policy of the Boy Scouts of America that the use of alcoholic beverages and controlled substances including paraphernalia is not permitted at encampments or activities on property owned/ and or operated by the Boy Scouts of America, or at any activity involving participation of youth members.

4. Tobacco Products—the Boy Scouts of America strongly recommends that leaders maintain the attitude that youth members are much better off without tobacco. Pack 3402 leaders are strongly encouraged to not use tobacco products in any form and are PROHIBITED from using tobacco products in the presence of youth members at any Pack or BSA activity.

5. Disciplinary Actions (Scouts)

5.1. In the event that disciplinary action must be taken the following process will be followed:

5.1.1. First Warning: Verbal Warning

5.1.2. Second Warning: Sent back to sit with parent or guardian (pack meeting) or given a ten minute time out in a designated side chair (den meetings).

5.1.3. Third Warning: Sent home with parent or guardian, and not allowed to return to another Pack or Den meeting until submitting a written apology to the Den or Pack (which will NOT be read in front of the group but kept private) depending on when the misconduct occurred (to the pack if during a Pack event, to the Den if during a Den event). This constitutes the First Offense.

5.2. First Offense: Scout will be counseled by Den Leader/Cub master and Den Leader/Cub master will speak with parent/guardian. Parent or guardian will be asked that the boy be removed from the activity. Upon the first offense the child’s parent or guardian will be required to attend the next two meetings with the Scout and participate with the child in all events to observe behavior if they are not already doing so.

5.3. Second Offense: Will result in the Pack Committee ruling on probation for thirty (30) days from all Scouting functions. Parents will be notified of this in writing. This writing will incorporate the limitations discussed in the next paragraph, explaining the Scout’s boundaries in order to prevent future infractions. Upon second offense the child’s parent/ guardian will be required to attend all meetings and events with the scout to further observe behavior.

5.4. Third Offense: Scout will be automatically suspended for sixty (60) days or until the problem can be resolved with the Cub Master, Committee Chairman, Charter Representative, Den Leader, and parents. This suspension should have been explained to Scout and his family in the written notification given out in the second offense and should be of no surprise to the parent or guardian. A Pack Committee ruling is not necessary for this suspension since it is automatic and based on the good judgment of Scout Leadership. Upon completion of the suspension, the parents/guardians will attend the next available committee meeting to discuss the problem and determine whether or not the Scout will be placed on inactive status.*

6. Disciplinary Actions (Adult Leaders)

6.1. First Offense: Verbal Warning. Leader will be counseled by the Charter Organization Representative, the Committee Chair and the Cub Master.

6.2. Second Offense: Written Warning. Leaders will be counseled by the Charter Organization Representative, the Committee Chair and the Cub Master. Leaders in question will be asked to immediately cease any further offensive behavior. This may result in probation for thirty (30) days from all Scouting functions and removal from any leadership positions during the probation time. Leaders will be notified of this in writing. This writing will incorporate the limitations discussed in the next paragraph, explaining the leader’s boundaries in order to prevent further infractions. A letter explaining offense will be sent to the local District and Council Executives.

6.3. Third Offense: Leaders will be automatically suspended for sixty (60) days or until the problem can be resolved with the Committee Chairman, Charter Representative, Cub master, as well as the District Executives. This suspension should have been explained to the leader in the written notification given out in the first offense and should be of no surprise to them. A Pack Committee ruling is not necessary for this suspension since it is automatic and based on the good judgment of Scout Leadership. Upon completion of the suspension, the Leader should attend the next Committee meeting to discuss the problem and determine whether or not the Leader will be placed on inactive status or allowed back into the pack activities.

*Any Scout, who has been placed on inactive role for misconduct will not be refunded any portion of his enrollment fees. Application for reinstatement may be considered by the Committee at a later date, if the Scout has shown improvement in his behavior and still wants to be in the Scouting program.

After reading the above Pack 3402 Code of Conduct, I, as a Cub Scout, Cub Scout Leader, and/or a parent/guardian promise on my honor, that I will do my best to live up to the Scout Promise and Law and agree to follow the Code of Conduct as it is expected of me.


Scout’s name

_______________________ _________________________ ____________

Year1: Parent/Guardian Name (print) Parents/Guardian Signature Date

_______________________ _________________________ ____________

Registered Leader Name (print) Registered leader Signature Date

_______________________ _________________________ ____________

Year 2: Parent/Guardian Name (print) Parents/Guardian Signature Date

_______________________ _________________________ ____________

Year 3: Parent/Guardian Name (print) Parents/Guardian Signature Date

_______________________ _________________________ ____________

Year 4: Parent/Guardian Name (print) Parents/Guardian Signature Date

_______________________ _________________________ ____________

Year 5: Parent/Guardian Name (print) Parents/Guardian Signature Date